Moscow region, Serpukhovsky district, village Novinki Begichevo
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Weekend in a country house with a bath

Cottage with a bathhouse for the weekend in the Moscow region

You can rent a cottage with a bath complex in Novinki Park. We suggest you spend an unforgettable weekend celebrating a family holiday in the reserve with a large Russian bath. The benefits of such relaxation are obvious: the bath removes toxins and cleanses the skin, relaxes muscles, and acts meditatively.

For a perfect weekend, you need a spacious steam room, a large relaxation room and entertainment. The recipe for a good rest: a bathhouse, a barbecue, a group of friends. Everyone will be happy: women, men, and children. In a nice suburban complex there is entertainment for everyone.

Remove the bath in the "Novinki Park»

You can rent a house with a sauna or a wood-fired bathhouse for any period of time. It is most pleasant to spend two days here. On the first day, take a steam bath, make a barbecue and sit with friends, and on the second day go to the steam room and conduct SPA procedures. For guests:

Attention! Renting a cottage with a bath is cheaper than just renting a sauna. And this is much more convenient: after relaxing in the steam room, you can relax and sleep well in your room, rather than go home in traffic jams.

We recommend that you rent a cottage with a bathhouse in the lap of nature.

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